Member-only story
This One Word Saved My Financial Life
Spoiler Alert: It starts with an “N” and ends with an “O”
I recently gave a workshop that went something like this: I stood up, introduced myself and immediately told an embarrassing story. That’s how most of my public speeches start: a bit of self-deprecation to lighten the mood and ease any tension about the subject matter.
During the workshop, I introduced the audience to 3 characters: Paul the Perfectionist; Carlton the Caregiver; and, Leroy the Life of the Party. The reason I did so, was because I had a hunch that many if not most of the people in that room would have (at some point in their lives) displayed character traits that were personified by these 3 characters. I asked them if they recognized themselves, and I got many nods of affirmation.
One character really stood out for me — Carlton the Caregiver — because I see myself most in him. Let me explain why. You see, Carlton has internalised a lot of the negativity, shame and self-doubt that he’s faced over the years, so much so, that he feels the need to take care of everyone around him, just to prove his worth and that he’s good enough to be loved. Sad, I know. But that was me.
Anyway, the consequence of this approach to life is that it can be draining in so many ways, but the toll that it takes on your finances is particularly acute. Being…